AIRPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA REGIONAL HEADQUARTER (NORTHERN REGION) OPERATIONAL OFFICES, RANGPURI, GURGAON ROAD, NEW DELHI110037. Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for the post of Junior Assistant (Fire Services) NE‐04 in the pay scale of Rs. 12500‐28500 (IDA Pattern) at various airports in Northern Region. Total number of posts likely to be filled and the eligibility criteria for the posts is as follows. Reservation as per Govt. Instructions. The number of posts may increase or decrease. Sl.No. Name of Post and Grade No. of posts Reservation Scale of pay Gen. SC ST OBC 1‐ Junior Assistant (Fire Services) – NE‐04 100 Reservation as per Govt. instructions. Rs.12500‐28500 QUALIFICATION & AGE Qualification i) 10th Pass + 3 years’ approved regular Diploma in Mechanical/Automobile/Fire with minimum 50% marks (OR) ii) 12th Pass (Regular study) with 50% marks. Age Up to 30 years. (as on 15.10.2013) Age Relaxation: i) 5 years for SC/ST […]
Latest Government Jobs 2022-23 Notification on 03.11.2022